JSoftwareLabs comparison box and utils

We offer various utilities which makes our life easier while at work or at home. These includes state of the art XML comparison, JSON comparison, Random password generator and a automatd sitemap generator for Django. Comparison library is available as REST full web service and Django sitemap generator as pypi package. These can be integrated with your application with any programming language.

Our Online XML and JSON comparison utilities are also available as SaaS (Software As A Service). They are very rich in features such as ignoring the order of elements appear in objects, ignoring namespaces in XML objects. The result gives you idea about number of differences found and it also provides you great UI with table including highlighted differences and search functionality.

Compare XML online XML online comparator with semantic differences!

XML comparison diff tool

XML comparison offers a ready to use website UI where a user can copy the two XML objects with it's content and gets differences in user friendly data table. The major advantage of using this tool is that it also has capability to ignore the order of XML elements or nodes.

    XML file comparison
  • Compare XML online
  • Semantic XML comparison
  • XML vs XML comparison
  • XML comparison REST API
  • XML difference tool
  • Supports a flag to ignore the order of XML elements or XML nodes
  • Supports a flag to ignore the namespaces
  • Supports a flag to ignore the namespaces with specific regex pattern
  • Get results in table format with all the node information for quick reference
  • Compare Old vs New XML files or objects
  • High performance custom internal library which uses multithreading model for comparison of large files
  • 4000 node per second speed for comparison!
  • Supports large file comparison. Can be used to compare up to 100 MB of file/object size
xml comparator differences result table
xml comparator ignore namespaes and node separator
xml comparator ui
xml comparator features

Compare JSON online JSON online comparator with semantic differences!

JSON comparison offers a ready to use website UI where a user can copy the two JSON objects with it's content and gets differences in user friendly data table. The major advantage of using this tool is that it also has capability to ignore the order of JSON elements or nodes.

JSON comparison diff tool

    JSON file comparison
  • Compare JSON online
  • Semantic JSON comparison
  • JSON vs JSON comparison
  • JSON comparison REST API
  • JSON difference tool
  • Supports a flag to ignore the order of JSON elements or JSON nodes
  • Supports a flag to ignore the namespaces
  • Supports a flag to ignore the namespaces with specific regex pattern
  • Get results in table format with all the node information for quick reference
  • Compare Old vs New JSON files or objects
  • High performance custom internal library which uses multithreading model for comparison of large files
  • 4000 node per second speed for comparison!
  • Supports large file comparison. Can be used to compare up to 100 MB of file/object size
json comparator differences result table
json comparator ignore namespaes and node separator
json comparator ui
json comparator features

Compare Text online Text online comparator with semantic differences!

Text comparison offers a ready to use website UI where a user can copy the two text objects with it's content and gets differences in user friendly data table. The major advantage of using this tool is that it also has capability to ignore the order of text elements or nodes.

Text comparison diff tool

    Text file comparison
  • Compare text online
  • Semantic Text comparison
  • Text vs Text comparison
  • Text comparison REST API
  • Text difference tool
  • Supports a flag to ignore the order of Text elements or Text nodes
  • Supports a flag to ignore the namespaces
  • Supports a flag to ignore the namespaces with specific regex pattern
  • Get results in table format with all the node information for quick reference
  • Compare Old vs New Text files or objects
  • High performance custom internal library which uses multithreading model for comparison of large files
  • 4000 node per second speed for comparison!
  • Supports large file comparison. Can be used to compare up to 100 MB of file/object size
text comparator differences result table
text comparator ignore namespaes and node separator
Text comparator ui
text comparator features